Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $677,777: Could This Treasure Be in Your Pocket?

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $677,777: Could This Treasure Be in Your Pocket?

Coin collecting is an interesting hobby that involves history, art, and, of course, an element of discovery. Some coins lying in our pocket or circulating in normal usage are so rare and valuable that they draw collectors and investors to them. There are several such coins, and among them is the 1976 Bicentennial Quarter sold … Read more

Hidden Fortune Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $677,777 in Circulation

Collecting coins is an exciting method to learn about history and get money. Amongst these, the 1976 Bicentennial quarter stands out, as it is priced at an irresistible $677,777. It has become a legend in the coin-collecting world. Let’s learn about the worth of these quarter coins and the stories associated with them. Bicentennial Quarter … Read more

Top 10 Nickels Worth Over $500,000 and 5 More Rare Finds

Nickel: Rare Coins That Can Sell For Millions Often ignored in our regular transactions, nickels can definitely be extremely treasured as collectibles. Some rare nickel cash have fetched jaw-dropping charges at public sale, with a few selling for over half of 1,000,000 dollars. Apart from those well-known coins, there are different nickels which might be … Read more