Rare Bicentennial Quarter Could Be Worth $250 Million – Is Yours the One?

There are coins in numismatics that people could not simply ignore, and one of those coins is the Bicentennial Quarter. This coin was minted during 1975 and 1976 to commemorate America’s 200th anniversary. It was once only a common coin that people held in their pockets, but this coin has changed the picture over time … Read more

Rare $2.2 Billion Bicentennial Quarter – Check Your Pocket Now!

Perhaps for you, the coin is some small, almost insignificant piece of metal you fumble through the day to settle your everyday expenses. But think of this one: a 1976 quarter coin was recently valued at a whopping $2.2 billion. Yes, you heard right! A Bicentennial quarter, the rarest issued to commemorate 200 years of … Read more