How the 1856 Flying Eagle Cent Became One of the Most Valuable Coins at $25,000

1856 Flying Eagle Cent: A Historic and Valuable Coin The 1856 Flying Eagle Cent holds a special place in American numismatic history. Initially minted as a prototype, it has now become a highly sought-after collectible coin, with some coins fetching prices of over $25,000. This article discusses in detail the origin of this coin, its … Read more

The Journey of the 1856 Flying Eagle Cent From Coin to $25,000 Treasure

Indeed, the 1856 Flying Eagle Cent, as a prototype production, proved one of the unique pieces in the history of American numismatics. Currently, among the most popular collection, some coins sold as much as $25,000. This paper provides an overview of the coin’s history, unique attributes, and factors that have earned it its substantial value. … Read more